Our services
Transport Service
• Transportation of general cargo Parcel/FTL/ODC. • Transportation of heavy and over dimension consignment. • Specialized transportation of very heavy consignment by hydraulic axle trailer. • Effective packing for economic handling and safety specially designed container to carry delegated electronic $ bulky material. • Door pick-up & Door delivery service. • On time delivery extensive nation-wide network. • Consignment size ranging from 1kg to 40 tons.
Industrial Logistic
• Surface /Rail/Air • Warehousing & Distribution • Progressively upgraded warehouse with regard to layout material • Handling & Storage System. • A dedicated fleet owned & hired trucks. • A motivated & trained work force. • An uninterrupted flow of information to customers. • An efficient Truck tracking system. • Information flows between branches & customers.
Commercial Logistic
• Safety and security of vehicles through tamper proof locating system. • FOD ( Freight on delivery ) • POD ( Proof of delivery ) • Packing & Unpacking • Record of accomplishment of inventory at the ware house. • Holiday service on demand
Retail Logistic
Sir Cargo Carriers delivers a superb logistic package by combining information, technology and transportation. Warehousing & Distribution: With modern warehouses located throughout the country Sir Cargo Carriers team is dedicated to serve customers warehousing and distribution needs. At Sir Cargo Carriers we can handle a variety of commodities to meet your warehousing and distribution requirements. Sufficient warehouse space is available in Northern and Southern India. Progressively upgraded ware house with regard to layout material handling & storage system.